Perinatal Wellness Support Center Cape Cod

Cape Cod and Islands

The Mission of the Perinatal Wellness Support Center* is to create a landscape of equitable and accessible support for mothers and birthing persons. To enhance healthy outcomes related to maternal mental health and wellbeing during the Perinatal period. We achieve our mission through education, clinical and emotional support and building community.

We support families, inclusive of their race, ethnicity, immigration status, national origin, creed, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, family structure, primary language, ability, or socio-economic status.

The Vision of the Perinatal Wellness Support Center is to impact and improve perinatal care & support. To create a culture where mothers and birthing persons are met with dignity and compassion. To normalize the experiences of motherhood so they can speak openly. To create a reality where feelings of fear, shame and guilt are eliminated through education, support and community. To create a world where mothers do not have to pretend to be well. A world where they can come as they are.

Cape Cod Children's Place sponsors PWSC

The Perinatal Wellness Support Center is grateful to be fiscally sponsored by Cape Cod Children's Place.

If you have any questions, interests in volunteering, participating, or donating, please reach out to Founder Kerry McCarthy.

*Perinatal Wellness Support Center aims to be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that operates in the state of Massachusetts, and is currently working with a law firm on a pro bono basis to support us through the process. Our current fiscal agent, Cape Cod Children's Place, is helping us gain grants to take this passion project off of the ground while we are in this process.

Our funders include:

cape cod healthcare logo
peter and elizabeth tower foundation logo
falmouth human services logo
ma attorney general logo
blue cross blue shield foundation logo
the cooperative bank of cape cod logo
the lyndon paul lorusso logo